Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Stitch Design Resources

As we near the end of our 31 Days of Stitch challenge, I want to give you some helpful resources. You can refer to them often on your journey to creating your own original designs with stitching. 

When you learn a new skill the beginning may be a little hard.. But when you practice, consistently over a period of time, it  will ensure that you see progress. Before you know it you will be developing mastery of the thread shading skills we’ve been learning this month.

So just keep at it.

1. I find that it’s easier to learn to draw on fabric by modeling drawing on paper. In this resource, there are several reasons why drawing on paper helps you become better at drawing on fabric.  And no, you don’t need to be good at drawing to use these techniques. And that brings me to the next resource.
2. If you can’t draw, you can trace. So use a photo of your liking and trace it onto paper first and then in combination with the techniques above, trace your sketch onto fabric with these fabric tracing methods.
3.Puckering is an issue that people often face when they start doing heavy stitching on fabric. With time and knowledge, you can learn how to avoid and troubleshoot puckering in your work. Check out this guide on  avoiding seam puckering issues.

That’s it for now.
Let me know if I can answer any questions for you.

Warmest Regards,


  1. What a great month of information, inspiration and resources. Thank you so much Clara. The best of success to you.

    1. I had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the last AMAs on Friday. Can't wait to hear the questions people have.

  2. thank you for your march tutorial. and the links added today. helpful when steps are broken down in chunks! I totally agree repeated efforts lead to better result!!!

  3. Great job! I actually used your method on a small piece last night and I'm pretty happy with it! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Way to go, Janis. That's what I love to hear.


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