Monday, March 2, 2015

A Month of Painting and Drawing with Thickened Dye

I was so inspired by the work of Ayn Hanna when I saw her work, Bridges, at the Quilt=Art=Quilt show.  Check out the portfolio on her website, especially the "Dye Drawing" and the "More Textile Painting" tabs.  I mean I love all her stuff but those two techniques are the ones I want to focus on this month and in my own surface design growth.  So I am taking you on my journey as I experiment.

Talking about a journey, I thought I would start with my first attempt at painting with thickened dyes.  Our playgroup named Five was meeting and we were going to paint with thickened dye.  I was not really interested but was willing to play along.  I found a picture of a daylily from my garden that I was willing to try and paint with the dyes.  Here it is.

I disliked it soooo much that I just washed it out and hid it away.

I just happened to run across it after I decided the topic for March.  Don't you love it when serendipity happens!  Anyway, since I already dislike it I thought it was a great place to start drawing with thickened dyes.

Next comes the experiment.



  1. Hi Judith... this is actually a great piece to start on!I for one can't wait to see where you take it. Have some fun along the way and I'll be watching for next post.

  2. I'm waiting for your posts, interesting stuff!

  3. thanks for the link to Ayn's site. It looks like an informative month.

  4. This should be a very interesting month!

  5. I love painting with dyes be they thickened or the concentrates of the unthickened dyes.
    As time consuming as it is when a dye project fails, I have found it an opportunity for reseda soak and put on another layer. I think yours is going to be great.

  6. Thanks for the kind words about my work Judith, will be fun to see the results of your experimentation...have big fun with it!

  7. I have long been an admirer of Ayn's work. Your day lily is a good starting point.


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