Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I hope you are not tired of TyveK

Beth has posted her pictures from our Tyvek play date.  Now it is my turn.  As always we both started out with the same idea but ended up with different results.

First Play Date
Beth had received in the mail a piece of Tyvek that was painted, shrunk, and covered with lace.  Yes, covered with lace!  It was beautiful!

We tried to make one like it.  First we just laid the lace on top of the painted Tyvek and ironed it.  Once shrunk this is what it looked like.

But the lace did not shrink and stick to the Tyvek as we had hoped.  Feel free to notice that I forgot to iron the Tyvek on the back.  When you iron it on the front all the lovely bubbles are on the back.

Then we painted the Tyvek and while the paint was still wet we attempted to attach the lace by pressing it into the wet paint.  When the paint dried we shrunk the Tyvek with the iron.  This is what we got.

But again the lace did not shrink and stick to the Tyvek.


On our last and successful attempt we used mat medium to glue the lace onto the painted Tyvek.  We let it dry.  Here is what we started with.

 This is what we got after it was shrunk  Yeah!  It stuck!

Second Play Date
For our second play date I came prepared with Tyvek that was painted a variety of colors and had a variety of  organzas, laces, ribbons, threads, and glitter Mod Podged to the surface.  I couldn't find my mat medium that day and since then have also used 1/2 and 1/2 white glue.  They all work.  It is hard to tell but the Tyvek pieces are about 10 inches by 14 inches.

 I cut them up to about artist card size.

Here is me shrinking a piece.

And here is what I got.  Do notice the writing on the Tyvek.  I used a postal envelope and you can see the writing peeking through the paint.  Just looks like a design unless you are really really close like this picture.

The lovely purple on this last piece was a piece of organza that I had printed on my gelli plate.  It has those wonderful squiggly lines on it in the upper left-hand corner. You can't tell that I didn't paint the lines right on the Tyvek.

I plan to use these lovely pieces to make brooches.  Here I am modeling a potential brooch.  Doesn't it look fabulous on my paint shirt?  We won't talk about how I look.

And here is one that I have Smooched a little, sewed a few beads on, backed with felt and attached a pin. I've worn it to church a couple of times now.

Next--Tyvek in a much more sculptural technique.


  1. What fun experiments! I have yet to do much with tyvek, but love your ideas, Judith!

  2. wow, these look terrific. My experiments with Tyvek haven't been so fruitful.

  3. This post came right in the nick of time! I was trying to overlay a plastic net bag over a rigid applique and affix it by melting it with the iron--but it disintegrated. Mod Podge IS the answer. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Won't be able to show the results for another week...or so...but tune in then to

  4. Your Tyvek results are fantastic! Thank you for sharing the process too.

  5. Love all the Tyvek techniqoes shown. Just a little leary about schmooching any of this. i think the word everybody is looking for is schmooshing which means to scrunch up. Schmooch means to kiss. I'm not into kissing any of my art pieces! LOL

  6. Smooch is a pearlized accent ink that comes in a bottle that looks like nail polish.

  7. Great post! I really like the blue over the copper! Glad you figured out how to make all that loveliness work!

  8. Love the layering in these pieces.


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