Friday, April 5, 2013

The final piece

It's time for finishing the piece. I decided to add two rows on top of the frame:

I used fabric 3 and 4 to make a quilt-sandwich and with free-motion stitching, I followed the paintcolours:

Pinned them to the fabric frame:

And sew a long border strip of 5 cm, 2 inches approx, around the frame.
Please measure the frame very precisely, and draw that line on to the fabric.
Just take care in the corners! I stopped 0,7 cm from the end, secured the stitch and cut of the thread. After folding the borderstrip in het new direction, I started sewing exactly in the same place I ended my previouw stitch (or better, one mm further). This border is meant to cover the sides of the canvas frame.

It looks a bit clumsy after sewing ;-)

But wait till you stretch the piece around the canvasframe, with a stapler/tacking machine:
(PS do you see the single hand stitch line on top and bottom? That's were I stitched the pleated piece onto the canvas, it's enough to keep it where it is)

Voila! Your piece is ready. You might staple a cord from one site to the other as well to hang it properly.

I hope you enjoyed this 3D project, and look forward to seeing your results in the coming weeks!
And remember, in the Netherlands we know this expression 'in je eentje ben je sneller maar samen kom je verder' which is translated in 'you are faster on your own, but get further together'!
That's why I love this group. Thanks for joining, reading and commenting!


  1. Bedankt voor al je wijze lessen.

  2. I love this piece. I'm not sure I understand how to do the frame, but I learn best by doing. I'll give it a shot and ask questions if I have them. My fabric is dyed; I'm ready!

  3. Very nice, Ninke! I hope to be able to try this project soon, and will share my results. I totally agree with your saying... I always learn so much from other artists, no matter what their medium!

  4. Absolutely LOVE this piece, and what a fabulous job you did walking us through the process.

  5. This is just way to darn COOL!!!!!

  6. I meant...way TOOOOO darn COOL!! Love it!

  7. Helemaal geweldig! Gewoon mooi om te zien en om naar te kijken.
    Dit is quilten!!!!

  8. Dank je wel voor de uitleg, het is een leuke demonstratie met een verrassend resultaat.

  9. ohhhh this is great! I love the pleats! Off the Wall Friday is still open if you'd like to share it there!

  10. Thank you so much Nienke. This was absolutely fascinating!!!

  11. This is so wonderful Nienke. I am trying it out...but I'm not sure about the folding-stitching. Are you folding on the join of A and B, or in the middle of the strip? If on the join, are there raw edges? I can't quite make it out in the pictures


  12. Ahhh.. I just went back and studied the pictures again and it all became very clear! Now I can begin:-)


  13. Dit is pas quilten naar een hoger nivo tillen!


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