Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 5 Book Review and Give-Away

 This year I have been making sock animals for Christmas Presents.  If you can't tell, this is a picture of a lion, giraffe, rabbit, and dog sock animal.  I have made about 25 of them now--cats, dogs, horses, zebras, giraffes, lions, tigers, and frogs. They have been really fun to make, didn't take much time or money to create, and kids seem to love them.  I do have to admit they are really cute and quite cuddly.

When I decided to make them I did the obligatory internet search for free patterns.  I found three distinct ways of combining socks to make different types of animals.  This is my favorite kitty pattern.  And here is the dog. Well, I actually used this dog pattern but it is the same as the other pattern and the first one has better directions.  And here is the bunny. Of course I made some adjustments and customizations. Don't we all? I also bought a couple of books.  After taking many "inside peeks" on Amazon, I chose two books by  Brenna Maloney, Sock Appeal and Sockology.  I have chosen to write my book review of her two books.

I like her books.  I could have made the animals just from the free patterns but Brenna's book gave some finishing techniques or embellishments that gave the animals personality.  The books were an inexpensive investment--I always look at the price of books, don't you?  I absolutely think the inspiration they gave me was worth more than I spent on them.  And they will have more than paid for themselves by the time I finish making Christmas presents for the grandchildren. 

I especially like Brenna's sense of humor.  She laughs at herself and with you. In the middle of one of her directions she asks you not to get mad at her about how hard this next step is. Then after you do the step, she says oh, the was not so hard and perhaps it is the next part that was hard. And neither step is hard but the point I am making is that she talks to you and not just tells you what to do.  It is not easy to make a book of patterns and sewing directions feel personal but Brenna did.

Most of the patterns in these two books are pretty simple. She does have some patterns that have you cut up socks into strange pieces to make sock animal body parts.  I didn't try any of those.  I believe that sock animals should look like they are made from socks. Or tights.  Like this horse.

He is my give away for my book review.  He is about 30 inches tall from the top of his head to the tip of his hind hoofs.
He is a cuddly horse.

How could you say no to that face?
If you would like this cuddly toy just leave a comment on my blog post.  I'll pick a winner on Dec 12 and send him off to whatever address you give me. Should get there in time for Christmas.



  1. He makes me laugh! Too cute. Thanks for the reviews.

  2. These are the cutest sock animals I have EVER seen!

  3. These sock animals are so absolutely hilarious and look so cuddly. I'm afraid that your cat looks like a jailbird to me. I love the all and what child wouldn't love to cuddle them. Mary Ann

  4. Gorgeous!
    My daughter would love him!

  5. Way too cute. I would love to win this little guy and know just who to gift him to.

  6. Oh my he is so cute... As well as the others! Makes me want to find some interesting socks :)

  7. He's just totally adorable. They all are. If I happen to be so lucky to win this one, I'll share it with my granddaughters. :) Thanks for the links to patterns.

  8. Love him! Too cute! You are so very talented!

  9. I love sock critters!
    Horsey is very cute and I love the idea of using tights not just socks for critters.

    Susan Parker

  10. Mijn 3 jongetjes vinden dit een geweldig beest! En als ik zou winnen dan ben ik bang dat ik er nog 2 bij moet maken om ruzie te voorkomen

    Petra Kooij The Netherlands

  11. This is a funny horse and can see my grandchild dragging it around by its legs.

  12. Nice original patterns for beautiful hugs to do.
    you can make many children happy


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