Friday, February 17, 2012

A Late January Post

I know.  I know. January is over and I should be discharging things.  I'll be doing that tomorrow.  But first I want to show you the un-quilted so not completely finished third piece I started in January.  As a reminder, I started off with this intermediate piece from a Nancy Crow workshop.

Then I showed you this piece that showed some slicing and dicing.

Here is the finished piece,  "Building in Space"

Now I am off to discharge and then use the fabric to make a sketchbook cover using Beth Berman's tutorial.
I'll post pictures when I am done.


  1. You are an artist. Period. End of story.

  2. OMG! It is totally and wonderfully incredible! I have never seen anything so perfect!

    glen in Louisiana: definitely major lusting after this one!

  3. The thing I love about this the BEST are the very thin slips of fabric. VERY very good my friend.

  4. LOVE this. The bits of color and the graphic black and white are just amazing!

  5. it's great! i love the randomness of it.


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