Saturday, July 9, 2011

ANOTHER monoprint technique to try.

Cheryl, also known as Muppin, restarted her Technique of the Week on her blog.  This week she played with a Gelli Arts gel printing plate and highly recommends it.  It does sound much easier than actually making, storing, cleaning, etc a gelatin plate and I like the monoprints she produced using it.


  1. loved the video. Looks fun and easy.

  2. I just watched the Gelli Arts technique video on their site. I'm all about gadgets and new products; but I'm curious, really, as to the advantage of using this over a piece of Plexiglass. The video says the advantages over Plexiglass (and gelatin) are that, "It's durable, easy to use, and always ready for printing." is Plexiglass. I can see that it would be easier than printing with gelatin (but you also don't get the cracks and imperfections that I really like). Am I missing something?

  3. To me, the trick on monoprinting is using a soft surface. I know there are Plexiglas people and soft surface people but I like soft surfaces. At our "Maine Event" the Maine SAQA parlor meeting, Margaret Sheehan did a monoprinting workshop that knocked our socks off. She used plastic poly film, the plastic rolled goods some people put on their windows in the winter and the black variety they use in their garden. We used clear 6mil poly, applied the paint, placed the fabric on the painted surface and I turned it fabric down poly up and rubbed to my heats content. You can rub on the fabric up, poly down but I like not rubbing the fabric because sometimes it stretchy moves. The results were fab!. Try it sometime. The gelatin is also soft but the poly is cheaper


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