Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Variety of Techniques - Week 2

Today I have two other credit card marks to show you.

The base piece is a snow-dyed piece I did a couple of years ago. This is all that is left of that particular piece of fabric.  As you can see, it already has a directional look to it.

I wanted a subtle look to the surface design so I chose colors that are already in the piece. A blue, green and yellow.

Before I show you the finished piece, I thought it would be interesting to see what the pallete looks like after this process.

For this look, I tooke the long edge of the card and cut it through all three colors to mingle them. Put the edge of the card on the fabric, draw it straight down and then sweep it out to one side.  Then I took the corner of a card, dabbed just the flat of the corner in the paints (all three colors again) and made a mark at the end of the straight line.

Here is the completed surface design.

As I was working in the photo editing bit for this, I noticed that each direction I turned this piece gave it a different look (at least to me).  I named each of them (yes....I is a sickness I think... seemingly with no known cure)

Clockwise from the top left:  Dandelion Drift, In Flight, Ascent and Trumpet Fanfare.

Someday I know this piece will find its way, at just the right moment, into a work either as a whole background or as a bit of accent.

I have used cards before and have a couple of pieces that might also inspire you. One is white plaster on fabric (r). This one is quilted (which I did before applying the plaster). It is a 12" X 12" art quilt. The other is printing ink on watercolor paper (l).  On both I made the white dots with white paint on the end of an artist paint brush.  In the left one, I also used a black Pigma Pen to make black dots. The art quilt is titled "Directions". The paper piece is titled:  "Decisions, Decisions"

I hope you enjoyed playing with credit cards (and other varieties of cards) this week! There are other marks you can make I'm sure.  Grab fabric, paint, cards and let the creativity begin!!!

And be sure to be here on Friday for the second Mystery Technique Contest!  Wil has the floor for this one. You won't want to miss it!!

Kelly L Hendrickson

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