Monday, December 26, 2016

Adding color

My dear friend Judith and I have experimented with line for a few years. We have had marginal success. I decided to take these three fabric and add color using line. What type of line depended on the fabric.

First I mixed up some print paste (Thick SH from ProChem)

Next I added a knife tips worth of dye to my hair coloring bottles which have nice nozzles.

I laid out my fabric on plastic. I really only did this because I just bought that green cutting mat  and haven't even made one cut on it yet. One of the plastic runners is from IKEA and has bumpies on one side. That was the side I placed up (happy accident)

Next I sprayed the fabric with soda ask thinking it would dry quickly - WRONG

I became impatient and applies the thickened dyes. These are the end results, washed and ironed. The top pic is the back and the bottom pic the front

This was the happy accident. These are both front pictures. Look at those cool grape like bubbles along the line. The bumpies on the plastic runner created those cool circles.

This started with such promise but the still damp fabric caused the dyes to spread - UGH.

 Front above and back below. How can this be saved???

Both sides are awful. This was supposed to be writing but the damp fabric spread the dye. a disaster?????? Wait and see.....


  1. love the bead like effect, What are the plastic runners from Ikea. Could not find them when I looked online.

    1. I think they only have them in the store IF they still carry them. They are shelf liners I think. I bought 3 and they are quite long.

  2. You know the saying.....'the eye of the beholder'.......well my eye is giving a thumbs up to each and every piece........the 2nd one especially needs no further help...I love it!!

  3. You crack me up! I haven't done much with thickened dyes for awhile, but don't recall that it took very long for the soda soaked fabric to dry if I hung it in the bathroom! I have pre-soaked fabric, dried and stored for future projects so I could pull the fabric out on a whim. As for the happy accidents, I love the beads!

  4. I love an experiment! I think they are looking pretty good so far. Interested to see what happens with the writing on the fabric....


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