Monday, February 22, 2016

Shibori Review

Nienke has been a resident artist for many years.  She posted a whole month of folding techniques in November 2013.  She used plastic form meant for clamping, stuff from the hardware store, and even jar lids.  Wow, were those posts outstanding.  I can't link or copy all of them so I will do a sampling.

It's November so it's my turn (Nienke) and as may expected, dyeing is involved!
Recently, one of my clamp shibori pieces was published in a dutch magazine 'Quilt en zo' and it will be published in the November issue of Patchwork Professional as well.


So, a nice starting point to explore 'more ways to fold your fabric' to create some nice shibori fabric.

I started with collecting items to clamp onto the fabric, like, this stuff from the hardware store

acrylic shapes, bought f.e. at

a couple of jar lids, and yes it is a sponge you're seeing (more to come, stay tuned ;-):

glass or metal coasters from the pennyshop:

Or even try to saw some shapes yourself for example in trespa, perspex or woord.

For the clamping, you can use rubber bands, or all sorts of (glue or paper or wash) clamps:

See what you can find, the folding party will start tomorrow!

PS. If you are new to dyeing, this online course is a good starting point:


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