Friday, October 16, 2015

To Art Quilts and Beyond - Presentation Inspiration

I mentioned yesterday that a friend had come up with a great idea for displaying her collection of 12 X 12 quilts. Wil (another resident artist here at FIRE) was kind enough to send me photos of her creative idea.

Fortunately, these were made one summer when Wil was visiting me in the US so I know how they were made.

We started with regular 3 ring binders and sawed off most of the cover and back except for the bit that covers the binder rings and the spine. To that was connected sheets of plexiglass cut to size.

It makes a great coffee table book (which is where Wil displays hers) so that one can always see the quilts. Here are two of her books. I believe she is beginning to fill book #4

To insert the quilts into the book, she stitches O-rings onto the backs of the quilts.

Thanks Wil, for this inspiring idea on presenting art quilts!

Hope you all are beginning to think of new and different ways to present/display your art quilts.


Some wanted to know how the plexi was attached to the binder. I drilled holes and we used Prong Fasteners to attache them as Wil mentions in her comment below. They come in 2 parts. Here is a photo so you will know what they look like.


  1. Brilliant idea!
    Sandy in the UK

  2. So did you attache the plexi glass?? I've used D rings sewn on my smaller quilts then fed them in a large circle metal ring. You can see mine here:
    I really like the binder idea!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Robbie, While I was with Kelly, she drilled two holes in the plexi glass. At office supply shops you can buy special small metal strips. They are meant for keeping papers together. Sorry, but I do not know the official name. The two ends you can push through the drilled holes. To cover it I glued fabric strips over it.

  4. This really caught my attention. What a great idea!

  5. They are called Prong Fasteners. I've added a photo to the end of this day's post.
    See Above


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