Wednesday, October 28, 2015

To Art Quilting and Beyond - Week 4/Part 3

Now the extra quilting has been done and I settled on how I wanted to make the tree.  And I even added another tree.

I am loving the way the snowy ground undulates and is not straight and even. It looks more like some of the fields up here in the upper midwest in the winter.

And of course, I HAD to have a purple tree! When I teach art to young kids, I tell them they can have purple trees if they want to because it is THEIR art! So I needed to practice what I teach! It is the purple leftover from the first piece, Summer Garden.

And now it has a title as well..."Winter Meadow"

Get ready for tomorrow. Perhaps it was inspired by all the ads for scary movies this week, or just a weird turn of mind. But does it matter....really???


  1. It is such a pretty little scene! How did you attach the tree trunk? When I zoom in it is not clear. Thanks for more great inspiration!

  2. Thanks you guys!! So glad also to know there are others out there who love PURPLE TREES!! Ann, I attached the rusted metal u-shaped thingie for the tree trunk with something I am never without...even in a zombie apocalypse!! My trusty E-6000. I could go back and couch stitch it but hey, it is not really necessary. But, should the unthinkable happen and I run out of E-6000, at least I have another way to attach it!


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