Tuesday, October 13, 2015

To Art Quilting and Beyond - Week 2/Part 2

After finding a layout I wanted and the general direction of the piece, I set out to refine the smaller details.

First the background, of course. Here's the first half - the left side. I used the subtle pattern in the neutral to  keep the circle concept going in this piece. And on the far left I just did a slight stitch around the leaves to create the texture.

Then I laid out the right half of the piece. I continued the circle concept in the same neutral and tried (and woefully failed) at doing straight lines again. I WILL conquer these silly straight lines! Now the really sad confession!! I even laid out straight lines with a ruler and chalk marker. One would think I could follow that right? Well....I obviously have straight line issues. LOL! I'm hoping by the time I get it all done they won't
be TOO visible.

So the background is finished and I'm so looking forward to building the next layer.

(by the way...there is no blue on the far right fabric...must be a lighting thing with my iPhone)

I posted on a comment from a previous day that I find that I am responding to this challenge far differently
than I thought I would. I thought it would be fun but never realized just how enjoyable it would be to do the stitching without my sewing machine. Do you find yourself kind of getting "in the zone" or something? Sufficient words aren't coming to me just now. Needs more processing to make sense of it all. Your wisdom and insights are greatly appreciated! Please jump in and comment.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I find when I hand stitch I really get in tune with the texture of the fabric and the textures of the threads, beads, stitches I am adding. It is immensely satisfying and makes me feel connected to the history of stitching fabric. It also emphasizes the tactile elements of this craft, which is what drew me to it in the first place. There is something very soothing about making French knots, etc. I can't sew a straight line either, by hand or machine!

    Merran at liveanddyecolor.blogspot.com


  2. I think Merran describes the feeling from hand stitching very well and I agree. I do use a 1/4" or 1/8" masking tape and find it helps with the straight lines -- just don't stick your needle into the tape! Kelly, I like your chain of circles.

  3. Merran you said it much better than I could have! That is exactly it! I'm a very tactile person. I even shop for clothing by running my hand down the rack of clothes. I find many that I DON'T want that way. My hand gravitates to natural fibers.

    And I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys immense satisfaction when a piece gets to that odd, unpredictable point when it magically begins to feel like a quilt. I find that moment even when I machine quilt.

    Ann, the sad thing is....I used tape to make the lines! LOL! I think because some of it was already quilted it didn't lay down very flat. Next time I'll use a real ruler to lay out my chalk lines.

  4. OR....use the ruler to lay out my tape and not even use the chalk. I was not very happy with it anyway.


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