Friday, October 9, 2015

To Art Quilting and Beyond - Week 1/Part 5

I can hardly believe it is here...the end of week 1.

So, as promised, here again is the photo of my stuff before starting and a photo of the finished piece.

Here is a larger photo just so you can see it better. This is the 14" X 14" part. I cropped off the extra around the edges just for a better idea of the finished piece.

So that's it! Week 1 of this experiment in Making Do. Thankfully so far there has been no zombie apocalypse!

For the next week, I had my two granddaughters, 7 and 8, pick out the "stuff" for the following weeks.
Let's just say they DO love their bling!!  Here is what they chose for this next week along with the neutral continuity fabric with the writing on it.

Can you SEE all those jewelry bits!!! I'm afraid if I use them all this piece will weigh around 40 pounds! So we'll have to wait and see just how much of this I can actually use and where it will take me!

I would so love to see YOUR stuff and finished pieces. If you can, post them directly to FIRE. If you can't post directly, e-mail them to me and I will post them for you!  My e-mail is brave! We are all learning and experimenting together, right?

Have a great weekend picking out more stuff and taking this exploration with us!

OH and next week I have a SURPRISE bonus hand and no electricity. Just another possibility to explore. See you then!


  1. Great finished project. I'm finding this difficult, just not brave enough, YET! I love that you are collaborating with your granddaughters and can't wait to see what you create. I had to laugh... I teach a nine year old, he likes the sparkly bits too!

  2. I luv this approach. Limiting in a good way and very freeing!

  3. Hi, hoping to join in next week. Recently moved and thngs are still in boxes, so this is perfect.
    Curious, did you change back to the "snowflake"? In your previous post I thought you swapped it out.

    Looking forward to seeing where the next 3 weeks goes..


  4. Ann - I love to collaborate with my girls whenever I can. They both have their own sense of style and they do enjoy sharing it! And hey girl...not brave is not how I have ever perceived you! Hope you'll join in when you can.

    Elle - I know! I wish I could explain it but it is very freeing and calming and it's just weird is a way. I always venturing outside the box and limiting what I can do outside that box is kind of energizing!

    Kathleen - Oh honey I sooooooo understand. Went by our storage unit and found 5 more boxes that are for the studio. It is sometimes overwhelming! But this challenge should be right up your alley considering the circumstances. I would love to see what you do with it!


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