Friday, August 8, 2014

And here it is!!.........


YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for all the photos you sent in for this week's topic!! I love spirals that I can almost feel like I'm falling into, cracked looking cold icy pieces, pebbles lying on the ground, popped bubbles, wavy lake of fire and so much more. Of course, these are what I see. Your perception might be different. Isn't art GREAT!! 

I waited a bit to get in some more photos and here they are. Feel free to e-mail me some more photos during today! I'll post again during this evening.

Now just scroll down and enjoy!!

Here are a couple of photos from Jeanne Aird:

The first one is an ice-dyed spiral
Second one is dye painted on cotton velveteen with massive hand embroidery 

Working with resists, these were done by Luann Fischer:

White scoured pfd fabric was imprinted with wax, dyed with jet black, pewter, or elephant grey. Then dried and wax resist was applied again. I then subtracted most of the black that wasn't under wax. This resulted in pastel shades with white and dark waxed areas. When this was finished and dry, I dyed the ones with black waxed areas with azure, sea glass, and baby blue.  The pewter got treated to orange crush, daffodil, and Sahara. Elephant waxed ones received watermelon, bougainvillea, and wisteria.  I really like the visual texture that appeared after the de-waxing, rinsing, washing, drying, and final pressing!

Here are a couple of snow dyed examples from CraftA Life

Additional examples from our guest artist, Wil:

Here are some samples of snow and icedyed fabric. 
The blue one was folded before I put it into the gutter. The third one was tied 
with pebbles or buttons before I covered it with ice. BTW I use dye 
powder instead of concentrate in high quantities, no measuring :-)

And finally for this post,  some examples from another of our guest artists for this month, Francie:
I like to create my own dyed and textured fabric.  My favorite methods are shibori resist (first photo) and mono-printing (I'm only showing the mono-print plate because the fabric will be shown in the third week of this month - Kelly), both using Procion MX dyes.
Thanks again to all you wonderfully talented people for sharing your creativity and inspiration!! Until this evening......... 

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