Sunday, June 22, 2014

Let The Sun Shine!

YES....finally!! That bright shiny orb in the sky deigned to appear in my part of the upper midwest! And about time!! I was beginning to worry about growing moldy!

So I got to do some sunprinting! I did some "old school" stuff with SetAColor but I just HAD to try out this technique with regular paint! Had never done that before or even heard of it.  PLAY TIME!!

Here are the results I had with the SetAColor:

Cheesecloth (with some diamonds)

Serendipity Cheesecloth (NO idea where the blue came from!)

Washers and Concentric Circles

Lacey Tablecloth

Then I did several pieces with regular paint (in these cases mostly Lumiere paints)

Bubble Wrap Experiment (both sizes)

Bubble Wrap (lg) with Pleats

Saran Wrap Loose Scrunch

Saran Wrap Tight Scrunch

Grasses (recently pulled from beside the road)

This one is destined for a piece I'm going to be starting soon for a show. It is done on a piece of Dupioni silk I had sunprinted with SetAColor a couple of years ago. You can see the original look of the piece at the bottom left.

My friend visiting me also did sunprinting with regular paint (acrylics and Lumiere in this case). This is for a whole cloth piece to be entitled "Blue Moon".  Don't you just LOVE the serendipity of the paint seeping under the freezer paper circle for the moon!?! Looks like an ethereal cloud creeping across the moon.  The water was done by scrunching.

STAMPING - Now I know I'm a bit later with this entry but I have had some time to stamp as well.  Here are my pieces...

This piece was stamped with a bit cut out of the bottom of a veggie tray from the grocery store.

My effort at Shadow Printing. Used a computer bit for this one (one of my favorite stamps!)

And stamping with Ramen Noodles. This is for a piece entitled "Cat Among Pidgeons"

All in all a VERY fun and productive few days!  Thanks to the instructors for the inspiration!! I'll be doing more for sure.


  1. WOW...what beautiful pieces! It is so much fun...only problem you can't duplicate! Ha...but you can come close...again, wonderful pieces!!!

  2. These are beautiful! Are they all sunprints? How do you do that with bubble wrap and saran wrap?


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