Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Applying thickened dyes directly to the fabric

This is one of my favorite things to do. This all started out as an accident. Judith and I were cleaning up our messes. I had a drop cloth and I kept getting large blobs of thickened dye on it. Then I wiped some vegetable netting with dye on the cloth. For some reason I started to scrap it with a credit card and in no time I way making colored fabric that I loved. I call this real eye candy. There are no real direction for doing this other than playing with the thickened dyes. Remember that the first strike is the one that stays. In other words, the first dye that hits to fabric stays and although you may scrap other colors over it, the first color will stay.


  1. What a lovely way to build up the colors. It gives some depth.

  2. Have you ever tried thickened dyes with stencils? I plan to try this soon and would love any pointers.

  3. These are great, Beth! Did you wrap them in plastic and batch the usual way? I love the last few... great color combos!

  4. Beth, these are just beautiful...I am especially drawn to the last few too!!

  5. Jason Pollock is alive!!! Love these!!!

  6. Hello! I'm reading your entire blog from recent to old (yeah back to front, but still...) I have been experimenting with dyed fabrics on and off but never really taken it further. I have just discovered art quilts and intend to begin one, but first lemme show you my recent post:

    Loving the blog - its so inspiring!



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