Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More info on Deconstructed Silk Screens in December

I have received a lot of emails from folks a bit uncertain as to what deconstructed Silk Screening is so I am linking to a tutorial. This is kind of an intense tutorial but taking it step by step will not seem so overwhelming.

If you are a dyer, you will really only need to get the THICK SH and make a simple silk screen which you can easily do out of an old picture frame. So no fear!! The actual work will be done in the summer for my 3 helpers and the followers can have their work posted during December. 

If you are interested, just leave a comment.


  1. I love to join you as I have a big fear of deconstructed Silk Screening... might be a good way to overcome it, count me in!

  2. I feel the same as Nienke. So I will join too! And love to explore more.

  3. I would love to participate.
    I took a dsp weekend with Rayna a few years back and thought it was just great. Looking forward to getting back to it.

  4. I'd love to join, and December is a great month for me to do it as it is summer over here in New Zealand. I did a class with Ann Johnston when she came over here a few years ago and loved it. Somehow it has always seems like too much mess and effort to do again, so this is the motivation I need. thank you!

  5. I'd love to join, and December is a great month for me to do it as it is summer over here in New Zealand. I did a class with Ann Johnston when she came over here a few years ago and loved it. Somehow it has always seems like too much mess and effort to do again, so this is the motivation I need. thank you!


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