Thursday, April 4, 2013

Framing the pleated piece

Now it's time to examine some possibilities with the 3rd and 4th piece:
This is what I like. So, let's start to make the frame for the pleated piece. First, cut the pleated piece exactly fitting the inner part of the painterscanvas. Leave the white canvas, you can sew the pleated piece to it.
For the frame, I like a grey colour, so I took a piece of hand dyed grey, two layers, and made a passe-partout with batting.

After stitching the two layers of fabric plus the batting together, you can turn the first layer inside to the back. Pin it with for the time being.
Do you see the wood of the frame peaking through? Lets coat the frame with some leftover fabric to avoid this:

 After doing so, the pleated piece can be sewn on to the canvas by hand with a small stitch.


Now that the base is ready, lets cover the frame with our fabric passe-partout and examine again what we shall do with the other pieces:
We're getting close, more tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. This is really intriguing, Nienke! I am not sure I know what a "passe-partout " is... can you explain that term for me?


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