Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is What I'm Giving Away--Quilter Beth

This is what I'm giving away! (I included two things since the top piece isn't a full fat quarter.) The first piece has had a couple of surface design techniques used on it. First I tried shibori, then it was snow dyed. For the second piece I used a bleach discharge solution. The solution was sprayed on the fabric upon which I had put keys and string.

Congratulations LouBird! I'll be putting this in the mail this week. Thanks for following our blog.


  1. I'd love to try that discharge...your results with the keys and string are wonderful.

  2. Love the piece with the keys. What is the bleach discharge solution if it's ok to ask?

  3. Debbie, for the bleach solution, I used 1 part bleach to 2 parts water. I put it in a spray bottle and sprayed over the string and keys. I left it on the fabric until it was almost the color I wanted. I then put the fabric into an anti-chlor solution to stop the discharge process. For that solution, I used 1 teaspoon of anti-chlor to 2 1/2 gallons of water. Thanks for asking.


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