Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Supply Source

I've just run across another site for ordering marbling supplies.  These folks also carry various sizes of marbling combs for doing traditional patterns.  

If you haven't ordered carageenan yet, they have a very good price of $35/pound.  

This is Galen Berry's website, and he has a fantastic gallery of over 100 marbling pattern very beautiful!  Here's the link for Galen's marbling images (there are page after page of large-sized images of all sorts of different marbling technique results) and here's the link for his home page


  1. Okay, I am now officially blown away. I may have to give up eating and sleeping to have more time to do marbling.

  2. Galen Berry's work is amazing, but I wish there were some how-to instructions to see how he/she did some of these patterns.

  3. Laura, Galen does have a book that he publishes for $15. I've ordered a copy because I'm so curious. Will let you know how it stacks up against the other books out there.

  4. Kathy, I saw the book on his website. If you order it, let me know how informative it is and if it's worthwhile to buy. Due to the high cost of gas, I haven't been able to order any of the marbling materials yet, have been watching my pennies.


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